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Lower Your Debt Payments 
By 40% – 75%

If you are a business with $50k or more in debt, please take 3 minutes to watch the video below.  You'll be glad you did!

Want to talk about your situation?

Or Call : (561) 288-4510
Are you drowning in Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) debt?
You can be saved!
If Merchant Cash Advances are tying up your business’s available cash flow, our team of experts can help you restructure or settle your MCA debt so you can take back control of your business.
Want to talk about your situation?
Or Call : (561) 288-4510
Our FREE consultation allows us to evaluate your situation. This way, we can learn more about you and your business so we can provide custom solutions.

All businesses and situations are unique which is why we don’t believe in a one size fits all strategy. Our team will thoroughly analyze your business structure and discuss with you what payment levels are affordable for you. We will then customize a sustainable plan that fits your needs. You can reasonably expect to see your payments drop an average of 50% – 75% immediately.

The legal team assigned to your case will work with your MCA providers to restructure or settle your debt*. They will ensure that all agreements and settlements are legally binding and enforceable, providing you with peace of mind and protection.

Once the plan is in place, we will work closely with you to implement the new payment structure and ensure that all parties are satisfied with the new terms. We will also provide ongoing support to ensure that your payments remain manageable and that your business is able to thrive.

We will closely monitor your progress and provide regular updates on your debt status. We will also work with you to identify any potential issues that may arise and take steps to address them.

6. EXIT:
Once your debt is fully paid off, we will work with you to ensure a smooth exit from the program. We will provide you with all the necessary tools and resources to help you continue to manage your cashflow and ensure that your business remains successful in the long-term.
How do you know if Debt Restructuring & Settlement is right for your business?

Here are some questions to ask yourself to determine if your business is in need of help:
  • Is your cash flow restricted because of your current debt?
  • ​Have you taken advances to pay for other advances?
  • Are you in default/behind with payments or about to default?
  • ​Did you ever consider filing bankruptcy due to your financial struggle?
  • ​Are your personal bills mounting as a result of not being able to take a salary?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then we should talk.
Please take just 3 minutes to watch this explainer video to see how you can reduce your debt payments by 50% – 75% in just days.

Lower Your Debt Payments 
By 40% – 75%

If you are a business with $30k or more in debt, please take 3 minutes to watch the video below.  You'll be glad you did!

Want to talk about your situation?

Or Call : (561) 288-4510
  • Reduce debt payments by 50-75%
  • No minimum credit score required
  • ​Zero upfront fees
  • ​No new loans - No new debt
  •  ​No collateral needed
  • ​Attorney-led teams will renegotiate your loan notes
  • All industries accepted
  • ​90% of applicants approved



  •  They want to pay creditors but can't afford the payments
  • They've already attempted negotiating on their own without any permanent results.
  • They can't get any more financing.
  • ​Their cash flow is tight.
  • They can't focus on their business and debt solutions at the same time.
  • They need better payment plans on existing debt.
  • They want to avoid business bankruptcy.
Or Call : (561) 288-4510
** Rated 4.8/5 Stars With Trustpilot **
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